Guest Host:
Adam Smiley Poswolsky, Author of The Quarter-Life Break Through
Global Workforce Trends reported that by the end of 2017, 3.6 million baby boomers will retire. As they do, more and more millennials will begin transitioning into management roles. And behind the millennials is the even younger generation – Generation Z – who are on track to make up 27% by 2030. With a shift in the workforce upon us, what can organizations learn about these new trends to better prepare?
Adam Poswolsky, author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, rejoins HR Break Room for part two of our discussion on the role of millennials in the workforce.
In this episode, you will learn:
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Guest Host:
Adam Smiley Poswolsky, Author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough
According to Pew research, in 2015, the millennial labor force surpassed Generation X as the largest in the workforce. Understanding their needs will be critical in motivating and retaining the employees of today and the future.
Adam Poswolsky, author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, joins HR Break Room for a special two-part conversation to discuss the needs and demands of millennials in today’s workplace.
In part one of this HR Break Room conversation, you will learn:
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Guest Host:
Jim Quillen, Director of Tax, Paycom
The United States of America may be more than two centuries old, but the examples laid down by the founding fathers still teach us new lessons every day. In honor of Independence Day, HR Break Room dives deep into the American Revolutionary War by examining the important leadership lessons from one of its most pivotal and iconic moments: George Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River.
In this episode of HR Break Room, Caleb and Chelsea are visited by Paycom’s Director of Tax and American history buff, Jim Quillen, to discuss the full story before reflecting on the historic event’s biggest takeaways for today’s HR leaders. You will learn about:
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Guest Hosts:
Chad Raymond, Vice President of HR, Paycom
Chanse Moucka, HR Manager, Paycom
Paycom attended the 2017 SHRM conference in New Orleans to meet with industry thought leaders, SHRM volunteers and conference attendees, and learn more about the latest workforce trends.
In this talk, HR Break Room concludes our 2017 SHRM conference special. Caleb rejoins Paycom’s Vice President of HR, along with one of Paycom’s HR Managers to reflect on the entire conference and talk about their biggest takeaways from the final day of sessions.
In this special episode, the panel discusses:
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